Maybe if Community fans occupied a park or something…
Maybe if Community fans occupied a park or something…
"those of us that are fun". Oh Lord, you are the worst type of co-worker there is. Do you also say, "Cool beans!" and organize pot luck lunches and funny hat days?
One thing we can be sure of, they'll keep driving around in the RV with the bum hose until the end.
What pisses me off is the writers could easily have done it better a dozen ways. They use the flares again but run into a lone zombie who lagged behind the others, fat guy gets out of breath and starts coughing, who knows. But to just open the door and saunter out, what the hell?
Everybody has to do the stupidest most cliche move or the writers don't have any idea of what to do to fill the time. "Let's have somebody trip! I got an idea - the hose on the RV blows up again! Brilliant!"
And for god's sake, just cover up exposed flesh with some reasonably thick clothing. Human teeth can't bite through denim or a jacket.
Why couldn't they have, say, the girl on the horse come along with them, start banging pots and pans together and then lead the zombies away after her, all the time staying comfortably in the lead on the horse and leaving the medical place deserted? Also, why are there so many zombies there? Wouldn't they have kind…
You must have been paying attention to the acting, dubbing, plot, and dialogue instead of looking at the background.
You're forgetting a cameo by TV's FRANK WRENCH! That'll strip your nuts.
Apropos of nothing, the new comment system sucks. There are still bot posts, they just get deleted like before. Half the time you try to post you get, "Please wait…"
I've been on this board for years and years, love the site. But the new comment system is now blocked where I work, can't even read the comments, never…
Mean overlaps with funny
He was like Rudy Giuliani's kid.
But if our universe is actually just a single cell that's part of Ziggy, where does that leave us??
I wuv you!
I had no idea who she was but she was probably the best of the night. Easily the most vicious.
It's a fucking roast for Charlie Sheen for god's sake. You wanted a classy, highbrow affair?
I loved his, "Damn, I've been sitting next to this bitch all night!"
Kind of what I was thinking. Now the Westboros will post a Foo Fighters parody on Youtube, and that'll get alot of press, and so on.
by gar
The interview's longer than the comments thread