Emasculate Conception

Interesting - thank you for correcting me, and for doing so without implying that I could be a child molester just because I bothered to bring it up.

Well critical thinking is hard — it's easier to smear someone with the vague insinuation that they might be either of those things. The fact is that there is a big difference between someone attracted to a 5 year old, and someone attracted to a 16 year old.

Pedophiles are attracted to pre-pubescent children. Mr. Humbert is a *hebephile*.

Lol. Yeah, I totally do. I was thinking of Triumph of the Will.

Did you even read my original comment? I never implied that there was a one-sided pile on Mustaine, or that the reviewer didn't spend enough time reviewing the actual music, I said I was appalled that the reviewer gave the album a bad rating for political reasons. That's just a fact. The only negative points in the

Look up Roger Ebert's review of Birth of a Nation, and see what good critical analysis looks like. He doesn't ignore the fact that it is Nazi propaganda, but he gives it its due respect for its artistic merit. Ebert gave it four stars.

Wow, did this reviewer actually give an album a bad rating for political reasons? The only negative points were about Mustaine's political views.

None of that additional evidence is very compelling to me. Whenever animal cruelty is in the news, thousands of armchair psychologists exclaim in unison "you know, that's an early sign of psychopathy" - but anyone actually familiar with psychopathy would tell you that Steven Avery simply doesn't fit the profile. And

Buckethead was the best thing about Chinese Democracy.

The iCloud Music Library feature has fucked up my own personal iTunes library pretty bad. Many of my albums' artwork has been automatically replaced with the wrong image, and sometimes entire tracks are replaced with the wrong one. For example, live album tracks are often replaced with the studio version, or vice

…so basic it ceases to matter at all.

…smug Screenwriting 101 bromides about Phantom Menace lacking a main character"

What's wrong with Buckethead? I'd rather listen to Monsters & Robots than any GnR album.

Or is he?

And people, Senator Palpatine isn't Darth Sidious. We've seen him as a regular senator. Just let it go.

Remove the singing and it's pretty interesting. I personally find Sufjan's voice and lyrics insufjerable.

How about "Soup" by Blind Melon? It's one of their best songs, and it wasn't on the album of the same name (which had an article devoted to it on AVC just this week). https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I'm not sure what a "joke band" is.

Is this the only photo of Ed Sheeran in existence? I admittedly don't really know who he is, but I only ever see his name beside this particular photo. I've come to know him as the punchable redhead guy who smirks while holding his guitar upside down.

“Minionese has no translation to, or any meaning in any recognized language,” it continues, seemingly unaware that this somewhat contradicts the previous sentence’s assertion that it combines various existing languages.