Emasculate Conception

The Palpatine story would have been planned way before W. was president.

Except that portability is supposed to be part of the functionality of a laptop. This change made them way thinner, and around 1lb lighter.

Ethernet is a bulky outlet, and getting rid of that and CD/DVD allowed them to make their Macbook line a lot thinner and lighter. I'd say that's a good tradeoff, since the number of people who actually need a built-in ethernet socket, as opposed to a dongle, is small.

Finally saw this movie last night, and I actually enjoyed it. But Kate McKinnon's character was the one thing that I found annoying. I usually like McKinnon, but *every line* was delivered with this weird googly-eyed mugging that rendered it totally unfunny. To me, anyways. I'm sure there are 10 year olds who think

Strapping Young Lad
Skinny Puppy
3 Inches of Blood

I would take 'The Edges of Twilight'-era Tea Party over the Hip any day.

Totally! And Zimmers Hole.

I don't blame them for having less episodes per season.

college radio station

Bill Simmons' face looks a little patchy too. I suspect the show just has bad lighting and/or makeup.

Zappa's "serious" compositions aren't for everyone, but "pretentious" is inaccurate. For one thing, he wasn't interested in impressing anyone with his music, and he didn't seem to care if anyone even liked it. Also, if you are familiar with the idioms of other 20th century classical composers, his music isn't even as

Yeah, at least in the old days the socks weren't on their feet.

God's Not Dead is basically a feature-length version of the "atheist professor" myth that has been passed around in chain emails and facebook copypasta for years and years.

You're right, I never would have guessed. Because I have no idea who this person is.

But without Reddit, where would The AV Club get half of its content?

Also, this is a film production, and Thom Yorke is in costume.

YouTube's enforcement of copyright laws has always been arbitrary and capricious.

Will this be on one of your year-end lists of unnecessary music?

You are entitled to your own conclusions about what's "fine", but that's not what I said.

Are you serious? It's a big enough difference that the latter wouldn't even be breaking the law in most parts of North America.