Emasculate Conception

god dammit.

The VHS tape distortion effect helps too.

If you haven't already done so, you should revisit The Fragile as well. It's got a different feel to TDS, but it's amazing in its own right. Actually I'm going to go out on a limb and say The Fragile is my favourite NIN album.

> Kanye is probably the only significant and durable creative force in popular music today.

I understand the Bay hate - I grew up loving Transformers, (and still enjoy some iterations of the franchise), and was extremely disappointed with the "Bayformers" movies.

Again, the words aren't douchey, the people using them are. All of the words you just gave as examples have specific usages in the world of food tasting.

But that's just a common vocabulary for people who enjoy analyzing complex flavours. Sure, when assholes use this language it sounds obnoxious. But on the other hand it also sounds obnoxious when other assholes brag about how they prefer "ordinary" beer, like true hard-working Americans or whatever. The common

They still sell shitty beer, if that's what you prefer.

Yep. But the speed or quality of his writing weren't mentioned in this article. The article writer appears to be criticizing GRRM for his word count alone, which by itself is a dumb thing to complain about.

Finally, someone brave enough to call out GRRM for writing long books. With books that long, he must be a terrible writer. And what's worse, he's just making stuff up! None of it is even real. What a hack.

Man, Fred Durst aged quickly!

Interesting! That sounds like a book I need to check out.

I've never heard the "no oscillators" thing before. I suspect there must have been some sort of oscillators in their setup, although I could be wrong. Forbidden Planet would have predated modular synth rigs, but oscillator circuits had been around for quite some time by 1957, commonly used for telephone and radio

I always liked Marilyn Manson. I just wish I enjoyed his music.

This bullshit riposte is so common, there's got to be a name for this sort of fallacy.

Yeah, it sounds like he's saying "techno", which makes a lot more sense than "act now".

Why? Do/did either of them write the guitar riffs?

A lot of people don't realize that was originally a KMFDM song.

I really hope your "What is Bayham" typo is a nod to the Sporanos episode "Mayham".