AVClub Med

The (Tom Baker) Dr. Who serial, The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

As bad as Russell Crowe doing a New York accent?

To raise dragons if needed and also to organize the chain teams. I've never been a big delegator.

With Jon, in close combat.

I'd like to see a corps of archers with dragon glass-tipped arrows, firing volleys at the white walkers and ignoring the rest. Both of us have now put more thought into it than what we have seen on the show so far.

The Husband Man had me literally crying with laughter, then I saw Lady Convenience Wife.

Didn't James Cameron's team come up with full face dive helmets just so that you could film the actor's faces in The Abyss?

Bastards! This is the seventh time that they've thwarted me!

Oh, too bad. Thanks for the info. I was hoping that it was more immediate. Not like he was reading the morning newspaper and they started digging, but something.

Sorry. I had mistaken you for a shill from the Granite Council.

The same year as… Roswell.

They turned Lee's land into Arlington National Cemetery. It was a good start.

Didn't your (I am guessing) state's symbol, the old man of the mountain, crumble off a decade ago, and was the rock there granite?

Well, the Allies killed a whole bunch of people while defeating Hitler and his ilk. It was not going to happen by wishing for peace.

We might end up trying to arrest a person who they ate.

Leave a few up. I want to hire Russian prostitutes to piss on them.

It looks cool is hell, many of us dreamed of wanting one for years, and they always film it well with a nice murky contrasting background.

I did not think that Kingdom of Heaven would be such a relative bright spot in the latter portion of his career.

Yeah. Unless he wanted to mess with her when it was too late.

Come on. The hat thing was pretty dead on.