AVClub Med

Just saw it. It is an unnecessary film. CGI aliens spazzing around are just not scary, and to say that the crew makes poor decisions in places is putting it mildly. The Fassbender twins were excellent with what they were given and the other performances were generally good. Semi-spoiler: there is a twist that you

It takes some kind of ability to be able to build railroads to Poland, etc.

It helps with my spelling.

I wonder what his porn name would be.

I think that random drunken Lannister guards kill more townsfolk for no reason on any given night than her total of those two Tarlys. They lost, and they knew the score, and probably have done the same in the past, only with a sword.

I like it, except the… snow zombies do not seem like very good fighters, and it looked like The Mountain had the edge on him to begin with. I am not sure how fast The Mountain is anymore, though.

That is bleeping excellent. I really, really want to see that scene.

Since Gendry's (or any other bastard of Robert; the seer said that he would have 20 children) existence was a major potential problem for the illegitimate Lannister line that set off this whole shit storm in the first season, it seems like if she knew about him, he would be dead. Davos might be a relative unknown to

Bran seems to going full Paul Atriedes in terms of sensory abilities, but Jon is more his military side.

Well, Hitler wasn't a draft dodger.

I think only one dies, but I want odds. Bran can pull some long distance mojo.

I was hoping that he would grab the coins back, too; he worships the god of practicality.

Since his mother died immediately after his birth, the annulment should have been before.

Sorry - cannot see my earlier comment; meant M16, if I said M1.

A buyer's market, yes.

Is the M1 so small in caliber primarily to save on the weight of ammunition that you have to haul with it?

I prefer Rabbit of Seville.

Tribe is race, just smaller; both are genotype. I've seem his images; he does not look anything other than white. If that is later retouching, that is the point. Cleopatra VII is African, too.

I liked the look on Jamie's face when Cersei was squeezing him at the end, indicating that he knew that he would be betraying her in the future.

Yeah. Probably not.