Fuck-ton Sinclair

Add the adjective 'drunk' and yes, yes indeed.

I thought teen Fiona did as well.

[winces] God I hope not. If Mulholland Drive and AHS were people and they spent any amount of time together, AHS would wind up alone in a quiet room where it would proceed to blow it's own brains out in a fit of enlightened clarity.

Fortunately, you know this show is good for it. Sooner or later you always collect.

"Why I wanna put my fingas in a fuckin dike mayn?"

Dude, a gaggle of black-robed witches just swarmed all over a dude and stabbed him like 800 times in a scene that played like something out of one of those live european sex shows you see advertised in red light districts ("the ORGY!") And that was just the last ten seconds. That alone puts this episode in C+

Anytime anyone starts in with the "this generation blah blah" it's pretty apparent they just don't have anything to say. The world is very old, nothing new under the sun, etc. People will always be people and they come in all types, in every time. I have to think someone who loses sight of that just isn't thinking

Fucking Toto. And Fleetwood Mac was driving him to hulk out? Disappointing, Kyle, very disappointing.

Oh my God, the Frostop on Claiborne. I can smell the grease through the fucking screen.

Love that episode.

I don't know what I find more touching, that he did that for you, or that you were amused / impressed and not annoyed / horrified.

Well, she was gonna smell like beer eventually.

"Manos was filmed on location in a vacant lot …"

Sad but true. Not that there's a hell of a lot of profit to go around, I imagine.

This never ever gets old. And it should, I should be so sick of it by now, but no.

You've gotta stay awake for the poopie suit. You just gotta.

Gunslingers. "Well, that was a turd, wasn't it?"

That may be my favorite MST3K moment ever. I could not stop laughing the first time I saw that. Just perfect.

Oh God, that movie. That's one where the damned movie is so depressing even the riffing can't lighten it, it really troubles me, every time. High School Big Shot, same deal, just fucking relentlessly bleak.