Fuck-ton Sinclair

All three the work of a deeply troubled mind, but Red Zone Cuba in particular is just a feature length cry for help.

Google it, you can find everything you need in pretty much one place for free.

What sort of bar plays chamber music?

"This movie tested really well with sexual predators."

Crispy Spicy Piggy Ball IS hilarious, but if we consider the thousands of years they've been stuffing dumplings and recall those fried chicken pieces that they've been giving us in our sweet and sour and general tso's for at least a hundred years or so, is this really all that surprising? The Chinese know from fried,

I love their Hamlet episode, but I'm a Shakespeare nerd, so I think that helps a lot.

The Satellite News site kind of shows how this would work, if you're curious.


Castle of Fu Man Chu comes to mind.

"It's Twue!"

Great! Except this is pretty much like a typical Saturday for me. God I have no life …

Yeah, I was thinking that's a tad too clever for Commando.

The omniscient, God-like entity from Star Trek V?

The fuck was that guy wearing? It's like they put his wardrobe together entirely out of items found at a sex shop.

Ask Dr. Nick!

Photo caption: "Bryan said no way would I ever dare get Tha Cap'n tattooed on my junk but CHECK IT OUT!"

Every week this show will toss off some line that you could easily miss if you're not paying attention but is actually huge and a crazy thing to see on a show with a laugh track, and that was it this episode. Admitting you've been secretly getting loaded for weeks to the daughter and 2 other ladies you go to AA with

The recovery stuff is consistently the most interesting thing about this show, I cottoned to that from the start. It's not always the funniest stuff but it's why I keep me coming back. So to speak.

Cancer merchant!

Hey, as far as I'm concerned you can do heroin in moderation and be OK (assuming you actually CAN do heroin in moderation). I'm thinking more like a sustained steady gorging process combined with a program of assal horizontism.