Fuck-ton Sinclair

Eat all the regular Cheetos you want however. The obesity, heart disease and general gastrointestinal degeneration resulting from that shit won't show up until years later, when causation is far too tenuous to assign any specific blame.

Ringmaster? Or high-wire artist / acrobat who's secretly fucking the magician's assistant / wife?

Fucking relentless march of progress and whatnot …

"Corporations are peo"—oh the hell with it.

Sweet, merciful crap …

You wind up doin' a nickle in the state pen you'll drink that toilet wine and you'll like it.

It always does.

You're thinking of revenge.

Too ethnic.

It's only problematic if you're trying to think of it as pizza. It's not pizza. It's some cheap, tasty, easy to make shit at the end of a long night.

That was the year I saw them as well.

She did toss out that booze, didn't she? I still don't think she knew for sure she was gonna do it till she was swinging the knife. She only knew she really wanted to.

I don't count Luke. Luke is furniture.

I'm saying she killed Madison because she couldn't stand how amazing she looked in that dress. For starters.

Yup. This.

Nah you're correct, every Pavement full length prior to Terror Twilight is a full fledged classic, which is only 4, but I would still give it to them on the strength of their b-sides and EPs. Colossal body of work.

"I can't help but think the Supreme power is in the wrong hands."

True, very very true. But really, what would happen if voluntary intoxication was a legal defense in New Orleans? Sheer chaos, people!

God I hope so …

What I get from the movie, what makes it compelling to me, is the difficulty of trust. Can you ever really trust anyone, and how does your answer to that question affect whether someone can trust you? Do you even trust yourself? And if your answer is no, what are the implications of that?