Fuck-ton Sinclair

Workingman's Dead.

Don't forget the EPs. Fuck twee, those late 90s records were just great rock and roll.

He blue christmas'd himself? [sigh] I got nothin.

You guys should definitely cover this weekly. Strong, unique sensibility, excellent voice acting and surprisingly good animation that manages to do justice to the hallucinatory visuals the premise requires. I agree that it may be the best animated sitcom to come along since Futurama happened almost 15 years ago.

If you know (or have been) an inveterate beer drunk, the almost painful mid- sentence belching is kind of spot on. This is what happens when you guzzle booze 24/7 and don't eat anything kids. And The stuttering and repetitions of 'Morty' get the intense, frustrated genius trapped in his own head thing across really


I'm not taking a position on this either way cause, yeah, too soon, but since we really don't know how smart or dumb Morty is (grades mean nothing, NOTHING I tell you!) and Rick seems to have a pretty low opinion of everything, including, no doubt, the child he used to be, who knows? I kind of hope not though, since

I've come to think of it more as a misanthropic comment on the standard 'nuclear family in a small town' animated sitcom setup. I know, I know, to some degree shows like The Simpsons and American Dad have been doing that all along, but I think it's interesting that this show features a character that's so blatant in

I'll necropost this as well in a probably futile effort to get regular coverage. I've rewatched both eps a couple of times now and I'm sold. This is really good.

Applicator? I hardly knew her!

"Nothing! Nothing, I wasn't doing anything!!"

Think smaller. Think more legs.

But then I wouldn't have known about it. Would I be happier if it was available for a longer period of time if I didn't know it was there? If a tree falls in the forest …

I used to do that when Catherine Bach would show up onscreen in a string bikini. Man do I have issues.

Adult Swim series?

Technically alien-human hybrid.

I honestly think the world is more than ready for a big-budget 'Jane Austen with Zombies,' 'Abraham Lincoln: vampire hunter' type movie with Jesus roaming the middle east of two millenia ago slaying demons and Roman oppressors with CGI enhanced martial arts and seizure inducing fight choreography and uttering humorous

'Moreso,' I should have added.

Troubling, because when Americans lose hope they tend to start shooting each other.

"Anarchism is the spirit of free cooperation"