Fuck-ton Sinclair

Gah, this where my brain starts to hurt.

And many of us were disillusioned and responded by becoming dissolute.

Sooo wish I could confirm this first hand. I'll probly never get to though.


I was really excited about the idea of that chart but I then linked to it and started reading and no. Just no.

I first sought this out after reading one of Chuck Klosterman's better think pieces in a magazine. I think it was included in IV.

Yup. I've seen it several times and I'm very attentive and congratulating myself for diligently piecing it all together and then ZANG! shit just goes completely sideways.


And this is a bad thing?

Dinosaur circa 1995 was close.

Holy shit, Hey Joni. Listen to the sheer joy in his voice when he yells HEY!!! coming out of the break.

Not an unreasonable criticism, but it also happens to be where I started at 15 when it first came out, so you know …

How great is it looking back that people saw that period as them going 'mainstream'?

Love Washing Machine.

It took some abuse when it came out, but it's a really good record in retrospect.

You'll never be more free than you are in front of a big stereo pushing healthy db levels at the moment that riff finds its wings and just soars. Heady stuff.

I feel like you can't go wrong with Daydream, Sister, Goo or Dirty. I've known people with excellent taste in music who started from all of those records and they all capture Sonic Youth at their sweet spot where they were still young and crazy and rocked with abandon, had a decent production budget, and had figured

Right. 'Couple'.


Why do you suppose they removed them in the first place?