Fuck-ton Sinclair

F for Flaubert? Reading Vanity Fair?

And I assure you any good prosecutor would spend most of the trial harping on all the painfully obvious reasons Fiona wanted Madison dead. "Describe this white dress again for the jury …"

775.051 Voluntary intoxication; not a defense; evidence not admissible for certain purposes; exception.—Voluntary intoxication resulting from the consumption, injection, or other use of alcohol or other controlled substance as described in chapter 893 is not a defense to any offense proscribed by law. Evidence of a

The scream. 'Wounded calf crying for it's mother' was just not the right choice for that scene, I feel like.

On the other hand, she fosters an atmosphere of teamwork and solidarity as opposed to, you know, just lying and murdering all the time. So there's that.

"I spend 364 days a year suppressing the demons inside me. But on Hallow's Eve, I invite them to dance. It's a good thing. "

Nah. Murder 2. No premeditation but that was a deliberate throat slashing. Her emotions took over and she just let her have it.

She just can't see what's going on with her students.


Have you read the first season reviews? I'm gonna let Todd do his thing. I'm gonna allow this.

"Cause, you know, pretend."

'Gone'? 'Gone'?! What the fuck show have you been watching?

"Oh … well, hmm. Uh, Kyle, would you care for something to drink, soda or—"

A laugh track would add so much.

That was just killing me. Definitely falling on the wrong side of the whole pathos / irritation divide.

"Because seriously, what the fuck else are you on this show for?"

You need to hear that in your head as a low, echoey devil voice to get the proper effect.

She's not wrong. I'd be a little miffed.