Fuck-ton Sinclair

"How we doin' this mornin' Myrtle?"

"I'm just not into it right now. Kind of burnt out on the whole 'resurrecting the dead' scene you know? Guess you'll just have to grieve for real this time. Sorry."

Do you suppose you were downvoted because someone didn't get your sarcasm, or because someone disapproved of your sarcasm? Or perhaps one of each?

Much as I want to see it happen, it's best that it doesn't. Cage on this show would jack the camp level up to a degree that would rend the very fabric of reality.

Sage advice.

'Downvoter'. It's like a new, covert gimmick account.

"I get bad vibes from this house. And keep in mind I hang out in a shack in the middle of a swamp surrounded by the half reanimated corpses of the recently murdered."

Uhhh, yes?

If by 'disabled' you mean 'pants-shittingly high' then yes, yes indeed.

Yeah, right, 'like'.

I first read that as 'cysturbating' which, just, no.

Think you mean 'Lurch'-ing.

Well, he is pretty much one of only two recurring male characters on the show this season. And I'm willing to bet witchhunter Charlie Day isn't quite so taut and tawny.

Fuckin A. Downvote requires that you explain yourself. Anything less is just cowardly. And bewildering, more often than not.

"… I'm spending waaaaaaay to much time on AVC …"

Frankenpeters is NOT enjoying the Mac, lady. Man, I could feel her pain when he smashed that vintage portable 8-track though. That got an audible moan out of me.

"Stand up for yourself, Poindexter!"

Just use a vibrator, there's no shame in it.

Would you ask Tom Petty that question?

Or so I have read …