Fuck-ton Sinclair

I could get into the all the demeaning, quotidian shit I would happily do for the Olsens expecting, nay, fervently wishing for no greater payment than the occasional withering insult or savage clout to the head, but it would probably creep you out a little.

"For us, we always came back to our beds. That’s where I love to spend my time off."

Makes you wonder how many good folks er gonna get laid off from the 'ol Olsen plant.

In my attempt to back up your point by citing another example of an undeniably great album that RS initially panned, I came across this instead: http://www.rollingstone.com…

It's been offensive always, but I like that for the most part Tribe didn't seem to think that hard about things. Their hearts were in the right place, but at the end of the day a clever turn of phrase that scanned just right trumped everything and that's a huge part of why their records are so damn good.

Is it possible to celebrate ever-increasing oldness without booze? I think not.

This happened to me! Also grunge, indie rock, college, etc.

Yeah, pros ad cons all over. I strongly suspect they went to the creatives and said 'hey can we release a date?' to which they shrugged and responded 'sure, whatever, just make it far enough out so as to be meaningless.'

Run your cursor over the comment and look top right.

Yeah, but by tat logic they could have gone with December 18, 2016. or 2014. My point is the date has nothing to do with your chances of actually seeing a finished product within a certain time frame. "It'd be nice" is what they're saying.

Yeah, like I said, it was an especially awkward compromise only deployed in a pinch. Not the way you wanted to handle things on a regular basis.

Well get your 'going bananas' outfit all pressed and laid out my friend …

It does look like a nice little table. Particle board I bet, though. And it's haunted by the restless spirit of a man who took his own life at 23. So that's a demerit.

Didn't he wedge part of that into The Hobbit to pad it out and, you know, irritate purists like me?

I'd netflix it just to see how he responded to the challenge.

You just took a leak?


Nothing will ever let me down like episode 1. Not cheating girlfriends, not drug addicted children, not the after-life—nothing.

'the date would “not only anchor the popular holiday filmgoing season but also ensure our extraordinary filmmaking team has the time needed to deliver a sensational picture.” '