Fuck-ton Sinclair

They're both incredibly awful!

I recognize most of those words, but in that particular sequence …

But really, what doesn't?

Like his entire solo career.

4. Spectacle. Sheer, gaudy, tacky, brain-dead spectacle.

"It’s been 20 years; perhaps it’s time for another shakeup"

Man, when I worked as an assistant public defender I had some transgender and transvestite clients and I would sincerely try to get that shit right, as would most of the judges and prosecutors I worked with, but there really don't seem to be any hard and fast rules. Which is fine, you know, it's a personal thing, but

"GGGRBRAWWWWWWWRGGGHHH!!!" [zombies leap on ninabryant95 and eat her fucking brains]

I learn so much here.

It's a pretty good plot-hole filler they've designed for themselves, isn't it?

Is Hot Shirtless Luke related to Big Shirtless Ron? And the Recovering Alcoholic Jug Band?

In New Orleans Right Aid sells it in little tins.

There is soooo much alligator shit left down in the swamp …

I like the "circling each other" idea, actually. Very poetic. Seriously.

Al Davis would argue raw talent beats acquired skill any day of the week. If Misty, you know, reanimated him and had a discussion about it over tea in her shack.

The butler did it.

Ebert's law of economy of characters kicks in with a vengeance.

She lives right fucking next door. Was she too enthralled with Joel Osteen to peek out the window during the Zombie apocalypse?

Her performance in Misery is … less than subtle. In a fantastically good way.

You need a corpse permit, but as long as you've filled out the proper forms