Fuck-ton Sinclair

Handy for cutting off hard-ons. "I know it doesn't seem this way to you now, but I'm doing you a favor …"

But show up to work that way and everybody's all, "call the cops!" and "somebody do something!" Sheesh.

Now that makes sense. That is real world believable craziness.

I'm thinking hallucination, but given that the whole goddamn show comes off that way, who knows?

It's totally Zoe. All hail Zoe, yadda, yadda.

It's exactly like menarche.

Come get some.

That could get ugly fast.

The lame ass way they handled it was having her scream "you're hurting me!" when Fiona grabbed her wrist, while queenie timed the acid trick for just that moment. Pretty sure having your wrist twisted is immediately distinguishable from acid burns though …

"Burn the witch!"

Nobody ever liked Myrtle. They just needed permission. Fucking coven is just high school all over again.

“What are they? What do they want?” Naturally home-schooled baptist boy next door has never seen a zombie film.

And Burrito Supremes.

Thereby acquiring their powers .. and meeting the requirements for being supreme, by Jove you've got it!

The racial politics on this show are … troubling.

Guys, c'mon. Death vaj? The chainsaw? That fucking hat? Zoe is a goddess.

I'd say her role is to make it so nobody is ever necessarily completely, totally, for real this time DEAD on this crazy ass show.

Yeah? Well LaLaurie wants the whole mother-daughter thing to bring her and Fiona closer, but se la vie buddy.

I love you Todd, but come on. This stuff is about raw power not justice. Myrtle's been wronged, sure, but she's a dud. Get with the program man.

They kind of have stiffies all the time, don't they?