Fuck-ton Sinclair

You can’t go wrong with early Doctor John, but I have to say, the Neville’s Fiyo on the Bayou would have been my choice.

He's off throwing little girls into lakes, befriending old blind men, you know. The ususal.

Mmmmmommm … you’re embarrassing me …

But even more telling for this show: you won't be surprised if something doesn't.

“We can hide in Spalding’s room!” Yeah, no.

Oh Todd, you don't make predictions about AHS! Fucking fools errand if ever there was one.

Skin doilies, FTW.

Howling II got there first.

Well, I'm off to download Deadfall . . .

Aaaand it totally does, in fact. Thank you Youtube.

Does that alert system just consists of someone screaming "The beeeeeeees! You BITCHES!!" over and over again?

But they have less candy to take. Generally.


To catch el Predador!

I'm sure she's waaaaaaaay ahead of you there, Nate.

Well this should do plenty to help alleviate the widespread conception that the FCC are a bunch of humorless dicks.

"So. Y'all ready fer sum reindeer games?"

Actually, I guess for week 1 that's respectable. The long term sales, though, are not what they used to be.

Don't you dare say that three times in front of a mirror.

It's the best thing Don Cheadle and Steve Zahn have ever done and I say that with the utmost respect for Don Cheadle.