Fuck-ton Sinclair

That low, descending guitar riff that comes in after at least one of the choruses knocks me out every time. This is one of those albums where it sounds like they had another good idea every time they plugged in.

That was 13 songs, right? Coffee and TV is such a great fucking song.

Haven't looked through a used CD bin in ages, but as I recall New Miserable Experience was a pretty common find.

Fair enough. A less than accurate physical description. Whatever adjective you want to use, my point is he's Ed Harris without the gravitas. He'd make a great Dad or boss in real life. I like him implicitly. And I'm pretty sure I don't want to like the agent in charge of this team implicitly. But that's my

Hey, if Gregg is your idea of a steely-eyed hard ass, more power to you. I like the guy and wish him all the best, I just don't think this show is working with him in the lead.

Have you seen Out of Sight? The defense goes like this:

Except it's a Saturday morning cartoon no kids would watch because it's just adults standing around doing boring adult stuff with no visual flair and no larger than life action. Be a dark, morally ambiguous spy thriller with futuristic gadgets, or be a fun, G-rated superhero show with colorful costumes and exciting

"She no longer feels carefree and sexy, but has no option but to continue on the trek."

"She no longer feels carefree and sexy, but has no option but to continue on the trek."

Necroposting the shit out of this, but here goes.

Necroposting the shit out of this, but here goes.

Yeah, D+, C- range implies boredom. If it's not something I've heard anything about I wouldn't stop to read the review. When I see D- more often than not I'll click on it just to see what the deal is.


I don't think Bruckheimer (sentient entertainment-generating super-computer) has a attained the level of self-awareness that would allow for camp.

Guys guys guys. We're not even halfway through the season. She can't f-bomb every episode into the basement with the ice weasels. That would just get boring. We're on a sliding scale of awful here. She's grading on a curve in a class full of brain dead lunatics.

I think he means the World Wide Web.


"What are you doing ANDY?"

OK, I'm out of here.

I didn't want The Simpsons without Phil Hartman. For the most part, they've obliged me.