G. Gavin Gunhold


and midgets.  and Cylons.

sassy black MIDGET sidekick.

why would anyone want to kill a ventriliquist?

I jerk off a lot of the times I see Judy Greer.

thanks for reminding me that Ashton kutcher exists

I want some heroin.

you DO have to concur.  'cause if you don't I'll kick you in the cunt.

fuckin' Canada

HA HA HA HA: Punitive.

how many poeple do you need for it  to be a gang rape?

next thing you know Lou Reed's gonna record with like Metallica or somebody

Justin Beiber's gonna punk you.

is there anything in the universe cuter than a mouse elf?  The answer is NOT.

I may be wonderful but I think you're WRONG.


*Emma Stone joke*

if you're going to name your band after a Lou Reed line why not "Waldo Jeffers and the Mailmen"?

your comment sounds a lot like what The Hold Steady would say , only less knotty & dense.

Mickey Cohen: Jewish Gangster