G. Gavin Gunhold

I didn't realize you could just declare yourself Polish.

caption for the picture:"I'M ON FIRE!!!  I'M ON FIRE!!!"

y'know, the two of them are starting to make me feel a little fruity for making that heart-with-your-fingers-sign all the time.

or "man-love"

what are you gonna be for Halloween? a butt pirate!

Meredith Baxter Birney in "Not Without My Beast"

is that a girl?  I thought it was Orlando Bloom,

did you stop singing hosannas to Beyonce's fetus for this?

Man, the Battleship movie has really raised the bar for weird shit that nobody's looking for and can't believe it's happening.

reading if fun for mentals

does he sit on his hand until it goes numb and then masturbate?

I don't know how Shatner DOES it!
I don't know WHY he does it; or wo lets him?!

The Explosive Generation: A Chilling Tale of Irritable Bowel Syndrome!

ew, eew, eeew, fucking EEEEEEWWW!  glad I'm done with my lunch

how 'bout his Hurdle?

like that season of Family Ties where Meridith Baxter Birney was preggers?


I do.  I totally do.

just don't walk thru his sightline when he's "ACTING"

there was a cheese hat???