
Yes, Don Cornelius, as an IC native I too find it nice to see some good talent coming through. There has been little effort for a long time to bring quality acts to the town and sometimes acts that want to play there (Springsteen, for example) it is made prohibitively difficult to so and they skip over to Denver.

Prairie Home Companion
That shit is not funny at all, unless you're a virgin in AARP. This is coming from an unabashed fan of public radio.

Yeah, Ana Gasteyer (Hilary, right?) was arguably the worst SNL cast member ever, and that's saying something. Finesse Mitchell had shinier moments.

Talent runs in the family
His mother was great as Livia Soprano.

Adriana was jealous that Chris went to the movie set and out with the movie people without her. She wanted to meet Vince Vaughn and Christopher didn't bother to tell her.

Comic journalist
She probably writes that blog from her gold-plated yacht whilst eating caviar from the tits (or balls, as it were) of supermodels.

Jesus Christ, Terry1, you may be right but shut the fuck up already. It's over! Find a new show!

I've honestly never seen characters more true to life (in their actions and motivations, if not their specific words) than in The Squid and the Whale.
And I just pray that I continue not to know people like those in Solondz or Labute films.

In an interview (NPR maybe?) Leo said that he drew his inspiration for his performance from Nolan himself - his mannerisms, look, actions, etc.

Tony does peel and eat an orange at the family safehouse in the finale, for what it's worth.

I get the It's Always Sunny reference Hambone, even if none of these other fools do. They did pick up on the homoerotic subtext tho, fwiw.

Dear friends, where is a good place to download these tracks from?

Rowan, please don't be such an insufferable d-bag. Thanks!

Joey Pants doesn't do funeral scenes. That has always been in his contracts.

Keep 'em long and keep 'em coming!

I like when Father Phil brings over "One True Thing" despite already knowing how Carmela feels about Renee Zelweger.

The episode where Christopher gets made has at least one exact copy of a shot from Goodfellas (the quick zoom in to him leaning against his car) and Silvio even comments how Chrissy watches too many movies.


Moondance was the first of his albums that I heard and I loved it right off the bat. Astral Weeks, while great, is not remotely inviting at first listen. Terrible Gateway album.
