

My parents and grandparents might be sad about this.

No one under the Lobsters moniker has ever typed anything remotely funny. Ever ever.

I have no idea who the fuck this is.

SIlvio was Adriana's uncle, by blood, thus making it even more chilling to me.

Commencement speeches tend to be pretty generic by default, I suppose.

Give me a fucking break.

An indelible obit
2, count 'em 2!, variations of the word indelible in 1 article! Smashing good show, sir!

J Dawg: Nobody thinks that. Not even you.

You're all wrong. He was the police chief in The Ref. He banged the Colonel's wife, remember?

Lobsters has been unfunnying up the comment boards for years. It's best to learn to ignore it.

Not too harsh
When I first saw the grade I was a little pissed, but the review itself is pretty accurate. This album was not at all what I was expecting but I think it will grow on me with 500 subsequent listens.

I'm pretty sure that the finale is 2 hours. Am I wrong?

Daddy issues
I think that Jacob and Smokey are actually father and son for all sorts of reasons that I don't have time to expound on. It's actually quite in keeping with everything else on the show.

It's The Guess Who, not BTO, who were poetic drunken buffoons. Get it together!

Please cover this weekly.

