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    His leaving NXT was the funniest bit I've ever seen on a wrestling show. Him being chased around Full Sail in the dark by the keystone cops is almost as good: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

    Some other business reasons they might like Roman: he's young compared to other other main event contenders on the roster and not as injury-prone. Look at this list of main eventers by years of experience https://www.reddit.com/r/Sq…
    and you get the idea of how many more years of value WWE can get out of him than,

    Fuck those "what" chanting sleepy motherfuckers. Good grief people you paid for those seats

    I listened from the beginning. Looking at a list of episodes recently, I was shocked how early on the show had its flavor and how many classic episodes/characters were in the very very beginning, not to mention how many conventions/jokes. I think there's no reason not to start at one, though episode 12 is the

    The story comes from Eli Roth, has an implication that the villagers are irredeemable savages, and seems to absolve his producers of responsibility for such a fucked-up thing, so I take that with some skepticism.

    Yes, this could be terrible, but I want to at least point out that The Good Wife can be very funny. As an example, the running parody of True Detective: http://blogs.indiewire.com/…

    It's probably good but I'm guessing the only real carryover will be the ending — I really liked how Argentine politics in the 1970s played a big role in the original.

    So no one else saw the background extra hit by a frisbee in one of the "farmer's market" scenes?

    Definitely filmed in Southern California, sorry to say. Also, isn't the Mackinac bridge much bigger? I took that to be a joke.

    Someone brought a big box of jelly bellies as a hostess gift to my place on NYE. I thought it was a cute/unique little gift. So for the next party, I just put out the box— it was a hit. Taste testing 2-3 jb's per person— perfect little conversation starter.

    I love PFT. He is in my top two funniest people! But long-form improv is an actual art — good scenework is not going to happen just by throwing a bunch of funny people together to do make-em-ups. I think I'll just listen to the interview and skip the rest.

    Yes, yes.

    I can't believe Noel feels it necessary to explain a middling review for this one. The 30 for 30 project in general turns out a lot of uninspiring work that gets overpraised. I had to grit my teeth through amateurish production — old file photos of Cindy Crawford and Brad Pitt used to illustrate the difficult concept

    I was 14 when it came out; it's a real swoonfest. I still have a latent crush on DDL due solely to this movie. I must have been the only 15 year old in the theater for In the Name of the Father!

    Shoulda been Arcade, but I'm happy to see the show properly recognized anyway.

    That joke needs a lot more credit. It's so good, it's the best theory yet of the actual case!

    Saw it in Tempe with Sugarcubes and Public Enemy. Public Enemy did something or other, maybe burned the governor in effigy?

    I pity anyone else who tries to comment on this or any other U2 article without having listened to it. Not least because how could you otherwise know who is in the band, what English town they come from and what instruments they play?

    Any CD you buy in 1996 will be free in 2001 and cost 500% more a mere 8 years later!

    Yesterday or so Scott tweeted a link to an episode of a webcast he did with Joan Rivers— it's worth watching in any event, but he mentioned that he'd been watching episodes of the Ed Sullivan show in preparation for this, and he and Rivers do a pretty funny bit on those shows. Recommended!