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    Can anyone explain why he looks like a time traveler from 1987 in those ads for whatever the reality show he's on is called?

    I love Skyfall, but you're absolutely right about the last point. Especially in comparison with the way Moneypenny is handled— one of them GETS M KILLED and it's the other who gets retired from active duty.

    You can hardly blame the writers for it, since they were forced to go into production with an unfinished script due to the writers' strike.

    It was amazing how accurately Bianca told the story from Untucked. I don't think I've ever seen someone one a reality show remember something so well. (Maybe the producers showed her the footage to help her shit-stirring.)

    Yeah, as a lawyer but not in this industry I wondered how this kind of thing wouldn't be covered by his employment contract. But maybe it's common.

    Remar's doing ok. This is Rebhorn.

    Ah, Occam's razor.

    It is admittedly amazing that *everyone* knows INS and *no one* knows USCIS.

    Hasn't been called INS since *2003*, for Pete's sake.

    I didn't see this but…sunglasses? For the Big Bang? A piece of black construction paper is too dense for light to pass through. All the matter in the universe is a little more dense than that.

    Same same; I thought she really shone in Untucked. She has hidden depths.

    Well, exactly. There are seemingly infinite ways to exploit ladyshame, and I don't think even British newspapers have caught on to some kind of widespread problem with dressing your labia.
    In other words, either Khloe has a shockingly inept tailor or she was making that shit up.

    She seemed dumb like a [Joslyn] fox. Like, I've "narrowed" my selection down to these 26 bolts of fabric? Definitely an act.

    In all my years of being a fairly conventional biological woman who peruses fashion magazines and ladyblogs and etc etc I have never once heard of someone having to dress for their vagina. That's like having to dress for your toes, weirdo.

    Yeah, that was wtf.

    Why, because the last time he turned to port?

    If there's anything that video game protagonists resemble, it's gamers, particularly when it comes to experiences, situations they find themselves in, their jobs, skills, time period, age, personalities and fitness. It's like a mirror!

    I'm guessing Lavender Hill Mob for tomorrow.

    You know how I know Travolta, Cruise, et al are gay? Because NO ONE thinks Prince is gay.

    Katherine was definitely underused.