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    I think it's generally underestimated how over he is as a babyface (I was thinking as my young son begged to watch him this morning).

    Not only that, I was at the show last night and kids were doing it WITH their parents.

    >There was something special in that Reigns segment, in my opinion, and I hope that WWE follows through. Not saying they will, and I understand is people are hesitant, but from the perspective of someone who reviews the shows and analyzes the week-to-week, I don't think there's anything wrong with saying it was good

    For real though WWE is looking to make the "big four" destination weekends, and that will likely limit the cities they will run them out of. WM will be at big outdoor stadia with 70K+ seats, RR will follow suit with larger arenas, then SS.

    Last Raw after Mania had Roman steering into the boos with the "The Guy" bon mot. It was a hopeful sign that Vince had figured out where to go with his character. There was some subtle heeling with AJ, too. It really felt like he was finally doing the right thing. (Remember the New Era?)

    I can't speak for the adults who watch them, but my two-year-old is into it. And, judging from the amounts of views (like 25 million plus— this one has 44 million http://www.youtube.com/watc… that some of these low-budget things get, they're incredibly lucrative. For him at least it seems to satisfy the interest in

    I applaud the insistence of sitcom pilots that the SEC can conduct raids and arrest people.

    My son is obsessed with "Monkey Up." It is about a talking capuchin, a smartass monkey actor. It is the worst movie I've ever seen. I had to google how it could be made (because apparently this is beneath June, Paul and Jason): there are more than a dozen sequels to Air Bud made by the same writer/director, Robert

    My two-year-old was obsessed with obtaining a cane this weekend. Hoo boy, did we have a laugh about that one.

    Sean Young, Shawn Colvin

    With the the New Day, most of the Shield, Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, Sasha and Charlotte, Finn Balor and Brock Lesnar, I wouldn't agree that "the company is, without question, attempting to give SmackDown the same level of prestige as their flagship program." Come on.

    AVCLUB: you are missing a real opportunity to build readership here by not featuring this photo on the front page headlines. This better be a one-time error.

    13 is too low for the best wrestler in the world. I understand dropping him because of age, but he is killing it on shows, house shows, PPVs, podcasts… He made Roman look like $1,000,000. You can't fucking teach that (to someone who's seven feet tall but green as grass).

    Thank you for this.

    I picked the right night to go to my first show & wearing a bullet club shirt. You better believe I marked the fuck right out.

    It was a hot crowd, I was there. They had the benefit of a great show to get fired up over. I think the height of Staples dissipates the sound a bit.

    I will think of Mitch Hedberg for the rest of my life minimum when (1) someone hands me a handbill and (2) I see a broken escalator. Probably a velcro wallet, too.

    No, it's great. That's when you can safely pee and refresh your drink.

    I've only seen a few Styles matches from New Japan. How do you think he's changed?

    You can see Kane mouth "Ryback." He botched A WALK.