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    Same same.

    Brian Stack and Brian McCann are two of the best improvisers I've ever seen.  Top five or six.  I just love Brian Stack.  On that note,

    Agreed, the argument above that it's somehow a dying art is obviously wrong. 

    Wait 'til they find out about the even-more recurring extra with even longer hair on 30 Rock! Mind-blowingly mundane continuity!

    Yeah, I have no idea.  It just seemed like 41-42 is not nearly embarrassing enough as he makes it to be. 

    I love Wie-Wie but a man of his age (let's say, uh, 47?) should not be wearing that hair.

    There are no dinosaurs in the Tar Pits.  Bonus fun fact:  La Brea means the tar.

    I don't think that's a dove on the cover art, but the "hoo hoo hoo" thing is really what it sounds like— amazing.

    Oh, I dunno, if you're conscientious enough to add an invisible character to a foreign name from a language relatively few people speak, I'll give you a pass on carefully pronouncing a sound it takes months if not years to master. That's just me, though. 

    Ok, kidding, one more comment:  did you guys know that Allison Holker and Twitch GOT ENGAGED?!  How cute is that? 

    Saw Mark, didn't read the rest, doesn't matter anymore

    English-speakers would recognize it from the pronunciation of Dvořák. 

    They only make it available for a week.  So if you don't open iTunes that week (or whatever) you miss your window.


    The buyers on HH are in escrow for one of the properties before the taping. The criticisms they make have no bearing on their choice, and you can be sure the budget/must-haves are just to create a storyline. You might enjoy it more if you think of it as a show where people have to make a bunch of comments about two

    This deserves more love.

    Could not agree more

    The $25 for NNF covers 26 episodes (minimum), not a year, so the math is a little less than $1 an episode.

    This was a real pleasure to read. I enjoy seeing him as an actor but my FAVORITE thing to do when I see him in a bit part is drive my husband insane. VB airs so erratically that he can never figure out where he knows Urbaniak from. And he's such a character actor that he pretty much never remembers that this has