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    It looks like that ceremony is taking place in the future from Scrooged.

    To be fair, Ivy wasn't shady to anyone; Alyssa had that dumbass feud.  It's a good consolation prize for a flawless look but unshady (boring) personality.  And Alyssa, on the other hand, gets her own show.

    It's not a real PDN review without a pointlessly mean comment about someone's looks. Either he's got the best self-esteem of all time, or he really thinks no one can read what he's writing.

    The best part is how Comedy Central still can't develop something that can't be directly traced back to talent MTV spotted in 1993. 

    They did do a pilot (I went to the taping). It seems it was part of this rush to establish a late-night show.  Twitter was awkwardly shoehorned in and everyone had ipads.  I couldn't tell you why PFT failed where Hardwick succeeded, though. 

    I'm being sarcastic.  I live here too.  It's apparently easy for a sitcom with an NBC budget and an outdoor setting to take a quick moment and check on Indiana flora and find four seasons' worth of locations in and around the area that are regionally and seasonally appropriate —  and without palm trees.

    You think if they had been just a little less lazy, they would have found a mini-golf in southern California with Indiana-specific flora and *no* palm trees? 

    It was this year, I think it was the Besser/Eichner episode. 

    I feel like Jinkx is more talented at what she does than Alaska.  Her character/stagework is amazing, and better than any single skill Alaska has.  BUT Jinkx's ability to do drag qua drag is about as bad as Alaska's dancing. To use a cliche, I question her taste level (in the competition; she's apparently improved

    It's interesting that you say that, because I've avoided making explicit reference to my gender too, for different reasons.  But regardless, it shows that there's good reason this place seems to have fewer female commenters than it does. 

    Please understand: I don’t dislike Joshua Alston. But I like this FOC very much. 

    There is demographic data somewhere, in a press kit that has been linked to before.  I don't know how racially diverse this place is, but I definitely read people as assuming this place is way more male than it is.  I'm guilty of that myself.

    Please, it's no Long Weekend of Gummo. 

    This Kyle Kinane— he's going places! One day he'll stretch out and really be discovered by the AV Club!

    I have no idea who Brian Helgeland is, but apparently it is VERY IMPORTANT. Seriously his name is in bigger font than Robinson. Feels like he paid for the marketing.

    Was trying to figure out why that resonated. Thank you.

    I agree that Coco had a better lip sync — actually dancing instead of breaking out the cabbage patch.  But that doesn't mean she can't go home; Ru has absolute discretion in these matters.

    I feel weird asking this question but those commercials, the commercials for "Felt" and my best (gay) friend's obsession with muppets leads me to ask:  is there a thing about puppets/muppets in gay culture that I'm missing? 

    "How to get byyyyy" slays chez smm. Best of the year here.

    Among everything else, I appreciated Ebert for Gates of Heaven.