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    This cannot be stated enough.  I mean, the guy hosts a monthly variety show, for god's sake.  AV Club staff, go check out his version of Skyfall and come back to tell us where you went wrong. 

    Not that this series doesn't deserve the attention, but since O'Brien said he would stop making these last fall, this "Good Job" feels like cruel mockery.

    I saw Leslie Jordan sashaying down Beverly last week!  I thought of you all.  He saw a woman walking her two dogs and said "what a cute family!" to no one in particular.  It was adorable. 

    That opening bit about clever solutions that no one would have thought of— that's why so many of us fondly speak of The Lost Room.

    It's PFT doing Herzog; he originated it on Comedy Bang Bang, which you might similarly enjoy.

    I really liked him in Origins too. I wish he'd take a page from every other Serious Actor and do more fun shit.


    No one yet seems o have mentioned that it's four words (instead of 40).

    Someone get Jimmy Pardo on the horn!

    I've seen her do reads and jokes too— on the show that's been airing for several weeks, where everyone's best insults are captured for posterity, and repeated ad infinitum before every Untucked. If these girls could write Bruce Vilanch- like material, the best jokes would have been on Reading is Fundamental, a

    This episode was fun as hell but as I said last season during the standup finale: I've seen enough amateur comedy to recognize when professionals are brought in for punch up. It's not *that* easy to write that many jokes; pretty sure that was Bruce Vilanch's night (which is not to say that presence and delivery are

    Regardless of how I feel about Jeselnik, this was a great interview with really thoughtful questions. Kudos.


    That's a great list — in fact, I just saw Bus 174 this weekend, and man was that the most tense thing I've seen in years — and I think people here who assume documentaries are only about expressing facts or journalism haven't seen the movies on this list. I wish Scott had drawn a greater distinction between movies

    "Grab me that spear over there, so we can deal with this Taylor problem the easy way" said Amy Poehler. 

    I like Jinkx, and had to take a break during this episode to watch a little bit of her "Here's to the Ladies in Drag", thanks to the commenter from last week.  But let's not pretend her look was a lot better than hot garbage.  That dress, belt, hat, wig and makeup were her GLAMOUR look.  YIIIIKES

    The live shows are almost always worse, but the 100th episode at UCB was amazing.  I don't know what the size of the other live venues were like, but I imagine the intimacy, time of day or the fannishness of the crowd makes a difference. 

    I also assumed it. It's not just Rogen's figure, or the hair and shirt that they lampshaded, the show laid on the "thanks for your service" and cultural estrangement too thickly. (Seriously, he's been gone long enough to miss self-checkout?!) That's a failure of tone.

    Grey Gardens is top five for me, so seeing Jinkx kill it was really satisfying.

    If you're me, you assumed it was Eric Roberts again.  Those guys are craggy.