
In my first actual programming class back in grade 7, I wrote BASIC to render the first two bars of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" in hi-res graphics on an Apple II while the actual song beeped along. I lost a whole letter grade because I messed up and made one beep an eighth note instead of a quarter note, while

20 GOTO 10

I actually find this kind of soothing, because we had an Intellivision but no keyboard component, and it stuck in my craw for *years* that I could've gotten more of a head start on my eventual "career" in IT.

Or slowed-down version of well-known 80s/90s pop hit done by breathy-voiced woman singing ASMR-style.

I see "woah" and in my head I hear it Busta-style, like "WOO-AAAH!" Also whoever wrote it is dead to me because what is wrong with people.


I never considered where non-chicken eggs would fall for an egg-eating vegetarian. Also, I thought the distinction was vegan vs vegetarian, where vegetarian was "nothing died for my meal" vs vegan "no animal products which includes milk, eggs, honey and the like". In those cases, salmon roe would probably be out as

My experience has been that Canadians think of it as Quebecois, and non-Canadians think of it as Canadian.

We actually have teams to root for this year! Except that all the men in my neck of the woods are sporting half-assed Zack Kassian-style mutton chops.

Don't pick your nose unless you've washed your hands many times, too.

Now I'm wondering if it's too late in the day to pan-fry some perogies…

Lady Gaga's grandmother Baba Gaga?

The edits are giving me a headache. And the jiggling. And her voice. And her overall smugness.

We kept Milk Mate in the fridge, which was not ideal as whatever you could get out of the bottle would sink straight to the bottom of your cold glass of milk and just congeal there. I think having to clean out those glasses is what led to my mom just not buying it for us kids anymore. Well, that and maybe catching

They've dumped a crapton of their shake flavours, too - at least in Canada. That list used to be as long as my arm, and now it's down to chocolate, cherry, caramel, vanilla, strawberry and hot fudge. WHERE'S MY GODDAMN ROOT BEER FLOAT, DAIRY "QUEEN"?
