I honestly expected to see Teddy walking into the pond wearing one of those old-school diving helmets because, y'know, it's Teddy.
I honestly expected to see Teddy walking into the pond wearing one of those old-school diving helmets because, y'know, it's Teddy.
I really liked how they wrapped up that storyline such that basically everyone wins and the status quo holds, but without feeling like a cheat.
I think it'd also be less possibility for injury because of the lower density of Fruit by the Foot. Anyone got a ceiling fan I could borrow for an hour or two?
Erik on the left, Sean O'Neal on the right: http://i.onionstatic.com/av…
That's "food library" to you, sir.
Thanks for getting in the weeds here with the proletariat to clarify, Sean.
Yeah, this new format is a steaming pile. So it's endless scroll for the Newswire articles? (Edit: figured out that comments are still article-specific but Jesu Criste they are still ugly.)
I'm sure everyone grousing about the new comments format will get the powers that be to restore the old format because that's worked with exactly zero previous changes around these parts.
Press record and play now.
Huge yak man, right here:
Don't go to www.eww.com.
(I paid a lot of good money to have this near-naked pic of Buff Tom Hardy screened onto that shade, you think I'm going to let it go to waste?)
::shines @Scrawler signal into conveniently-cloudy night sky::
Hahaha someone was supposed to hold you up? Wuss. Then again, if you're just FAKING IT LIKE THOSE STUPID POPULAR GIRLS, you gently crumple and don't go down like a sack of bricks smacking your head on every possible surface on the way down.
Man, I didn't have booze from a wineskin until I was in my last year of my first undergrad (on a bus full of engineers heading to northern Alberta for a class field trip, no less). You kids grow up too fast for us Canadian rubes.
"Yo tengo un cerdo en mi nariz."
"Watch Hugh Jackman"
I remember coming out of "The Matrix" with my friends convinced we could run up walls, or at least that we should try. It… did not end well.