…but why not just a circle?
…but why not just a circle?
Could someone explain the origin of the AV Club's "report everything Patton Oswalt does" policy/running gag? Like, is it a joke because people were complaining about it? Is he friends with the staff?
Really? Seems like a pretty good afterlife, as afterlives go.
McDonalds is always depressing, unless you're on a road trip.
BMO is male?
Oh, there will definitely be spaghetti. All the Italians will be comically baffled by it. "Mama mia, how do you eat this stuff!"
Sexy Isaac Newton.
I'm still hoping for a spinoff with Bob Sacamano, Lomez, and Cousin Jeffrey.
Or really, any royals. For most of European history, it was standard practice for royals to only marry other royals (from other countries). The thing is, there just aren't that many countries, so the royal families of Europe are actually just one extended family that has been inbreeding for a thousand years.
I think it's probably instinct in addition to just taboo, but the result is the same - incest with a hypothetical relative is way less gross than incest with an actual relative, even for those of with hot cousins.
You're not wrong, but have you considered the possibility that he is really out of shape? I mean, he's an alien. Maybe a Kryptonian who has really let himself go just happens to look like a human that spends a lot of time at the gym. And maybe a super fit Kryptonian looks like a human big fat guy.
Potheads and also the ~20 million living people whose birthday is also April 20th.
It got me to click on the article. Not because it had young semi-nude women, but because I was incredulous that they picked that movie to visually represent the "best film of 2013." I was successfully provoked by their provocative choice.
Ethnically diverse? So he's a friend to women and coloreds? Save some bravery for the rest of us!
I really don't think so.
Mary rhymes with fairy or airy. Merry rhymes with ferry or Jerry. Marry rhymes with carry or Larry.
Edward Redmayne sounds more steampunk fantasy horror than sci-fi, though.
re: this typo: Thanks to that recent language map of the U.S. that was going around the internet, I am now aware that there are places where "merry," "marry," and "Mary" are all pronounced the same. This makes me inexplicably angry. Learn to speak properly, slackjaws!
This is the work of dorks, not nerds.