
Did you know the 59th street bridge is actually named the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge? It's true!

A deadpan modern remake could actually be pretty funny, with equivalent dialogue, soundtrack, etc., except they are saggy middle aged guys and they "fly" the planes by inputting coordinates and watching a video feed in New Mexico.

Can someone womansplain to me what Panhandler did wrong? I mean, I'm sure it's classless and all, but isn't physical appearance usually a part of casting calls for both men and women? Note, my knowledge of this is mostly based on that episode of Friends where Joey lies about having a foreskin and Monica had to make


Plus you get to see what makes the Empire the bad guys in the first place. Apparently… they're communists? Ok.

WHM should cast himself as the guy they are fighting over. In fact, he should play himself too. Just have it be a universe where William H. Macy is the world's biggest sex symbol. And he winks and/or gives a thumbs up at the camera in every scene.

Would it have killed you to take five minutes and photoshop their heads on some storks?


Actually I don't think you could do much better than the 5 Sunny cast members as a new Ghostbusters team, not even joking.

I… would see that.

That probably would have been the lineup if this movie were made in 1997.

Haha, yeah, white people shouldn't have opinions.

That's because he's the human equivalent of a Labrador retriever. No matter what context you put him in, he's always going to be the lovable, eager to please goofball. Cast him as Joseph Stalin and you get a dictator whose ears you want to to tousle.

Parody is still protected, I think. So just, like, add Hitler stache's to all the pictures of her. Is that parody? I dunno. Who are you to say?

They're groin-grabbingly dangerous!

What makes even less sense to me is how skill at shooting things from far away is useful at stopping crimes, high-stakes or no. I guess maybe he starts a marksmanship club for at-risk youth?

Or what any of the crew actually does that the ship's computer couldn't do better. Or how pocket technology was somehow lost over the centuries.

It's the GOB Bluth school of movie marketing. "Now when you watch it without getting punched in the chest, you'll enjoy it more!"

Yeah, there are actually several areas where men are institutionally discriminated against. I get that the "men's rights community" is a haven for idiots who straight up hate women and blame all their problems on them, but, I mean, the converse is true of the "feminist community." That shouldn't make the very idea

Heh, I miss yelling at Sims. Simpler times.