And now, your vague comment will be enough for me to do the same!
And now, your vague comment will be enough for me to do the same!
A perfect clone would by definition be just as compelling to watch as the original, would it not? It's dismissive of its creativity but not necessarily its entertainment value.
Inasmuch as "indie" is literally a genre, I'd say they are rather more formulaic.
Isn't it revealed later that ~250 year old Angel had been stalking the 15 year old Buffy for a while before the series started?
I don't think it's unreasonable to think that the way we communicate changes over time, and trends can continue on timespans longer than human lifetimes. We wouldn't be communicating like you and I are now, say, 40 years ago. And I don't think I've ever written a lengthy letter.
Well that wasn't better, was it?
Perhaps you've mixed up cause and effect. Maybe that was just his reaction to having only a few hours to live.
Why can't all those complaints be accurate?
There's a GOB/Franklin joke to be made here, but I can't quite find it.
On the other hand, many divorcees wish their former spouses dead.
I think the theme is "endlessly rebroadcast shows with large numbers of guest stars."
OK, but what about Asians?
I think you may be disappointed. I don't care how powerful he is, if he was really so different from how he is already described, somebody in all this time would have been pissed off enough to say so.
I for one will picket unless every sketch involves a heartfelt and candid discussion of race in America.
So the complaint is that there are no black women and the solution is not to hire black women?
But isn't "we need to bring in a black woman and she's the best we could do" exactly the point? Why is that bad?
Really, anyone with more than half their teeth and not covered in sores would be anachronistic, given this particular setting.
If he had any credibility then you might have a point, but that seems like attention seeking edginess for edginess sake, just like most of his later output. To me he just comes across like a teenager trying to piss off his parents.
The thing is, none of the other plays are a tragic teenybopper romance and so nothing can really fill that niche. There are stories about frivolous infatuation of young idiots and there are stories about doomed romance with a high death toll, but no others to my knowledge where the former leads to the latter.