You are all wizards, though, I take it.
You are all wizards, though, I take it.
True story: Freeman Dyson, one of the most important and famous physicists of the 20th century, has no academic degrees aside from a BA in mathematics. Supposedly his friends would often tease him about it, and he eventually became one of the foremost critics of the PhD system.
But that was just a prank by Ben Franklin.
It's not mutually exclusive. Just like gun manufacturers do probably strongly believe in the right to bear arms (otherwise they wouldn't be in that business) but also have a strong profit motive for ridiculous fear mongering.
I wouldn't call that happy, per se. Just optimistic rather than defeated.
Todd's not a Nazi. Say what you will, but at least that's an ethos. Todd's a nihilist.
I'm leaning towards some kind of disfigurement. I think he could make an eyepatch work.
I don't think Walt was ever a happy family man.
She's a very attractive young lady, but physically no more remarkable than probably millions of others. The infatutation our generation has with her is because of "enjoying her development" as our dorky wizard childhood friend. I think it's time we all faced that.
There is a popular notion, somewhat disputed, that it originates from a Biblical mistranslation that made it seem like a casual mention of Moses having horns.
I'm not a comics guy, but doesn't stuff way worse than 9/11 happen fairly regularly in DC/Marvel? Doesn't the collatoral damage in your average superhero fight (with the Hulk, say) involve a few destroyed buildings?
Krewt. It spells krewt.
Those aren't stunt women. They just buy surplus defective clones from the Disney labs and kill them for real.
His snark is real, but he is not.
This hu-mon concept of "love" makes you weak!
No, you should see how fat the real you is. The simulation has limits, man.
Yup, and they always intercut a final countdown with all the contestants finishing plating their dishes. The implication being that every contestant in every challenge is within 5 seconds of not finishing on time. You'd think maybe once someone would have 1 minute to spare!
Oh yes, this. Being that age already feels like living in a dystopian society in many ways, bound by seemingly arbitrary rules and ordered around by an overclass (adults) who you finally realize aren't as smart you thought they were, while your body is swamped with hormones that make you crave independence. Makes…