
Yeah, and that's almost a trap - you think you have a crush on someone smart and interesting, but then you realize the only reason you think she's smart and interesting is because you subconsciously buy into stupid Hollywood visual shorthand for those things. So on the plus side, your heart is in the right place, but

The problem with that in this movie is that she's NOT supposed to be ugly. The glasses/ponytail/overalls are not shorthand for an ugly person, they are literally supposed to MAKE an attractive person ugly within the universe of the movie.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure that glasses=nerdy is true.

I'm having a hard time deciding who would be the best "that guy from The Princess bride" based on that description. I'm thinking Andre the Giant, but Fred Savage is a stronger contender.

I'm starting a kickstarter to buy hanging chads!

The real test is about how quickly frustrating games cause space madness.

Although the actress playing Yara doesn't resemble the physical description of Asha at all, I think she does a great job with the part. I'm curious what you think is wrong with her.

Whatever works!

Ross gets a lot more tolerable in the second half (more or less) of the show, when they stop focusing on him as a romantic lead and make him more of a hapless dork and pile on lots of humiliating experiences.

Queens is a big place, with over a hundred different named neighborhoods. You could be anything from Ozone Park to Flushing Chinatown.

I used to have a roommate who was a Freemason. I have never known anyone less in control of everything.


I don't think Playboy has been in accurate representation of "men's preferences" in several decades, if ever.

Didn't Mitt Romney float the idea of a national porn filter at one point?

It's one banjo, Michael. How much could it cost, $32,000?

The guild system?

They're all basically the same anyway. Frasier and Niles want to impress someone even snootier than them. They get competitive. They make a small lie about themselves that snowballs into several bigger lies. People enter and exit rooms at inopportune moments, causing a series of misunderstandings. Eventually the whole

Gunther was an extra they arbitrarily gave a couple lines to because they needed a coffee shop employee and he had noticeable hair.

But they don't, as far as I remember. It's even kind of a running joke that the others all resent being made fun of all the time. And that his jokes always completely fail on outsiders.

Are you kidding? Buying shit you want is awesome. Do you realize that you could have an entire crate of candy delivered to your house whenever you want, and nobody can stop you from staying up all night eating it? Adults have godlike powers.