Almost everything the newswire reports on is nonsensical.
Almost everything the newswire reports on is nonsensical.
Somehow, I find that a lot more charming than this.
Having sex with 1% of all the females you've ever interacted with is still an enormous amount of sex, I think.
Indeed, this is the only accurate portrayal of high school on television I've ever seen.
Is there any other show that accurately portrayed what high school is like? I can't think of any.
Isn't that essentially what Undeclared is, though?
Is this a reference to the show I'm forgetting, or are you being weird?
It's just because he's wrong about everything.
Those of us who cut off our legs for attention before the Kickstarter age had to go hopping to venture capitalists.
I'm having fun imagining how you talk while refusing to use soft G's.
What's with the warbly, moaning singing voice? She sounded good in Elf, but here she sounds like a drunk Cher.
More like historical fiction, where a "real" person (in this case, Jesus) is a character in a fictional work.
"and normally the more expensive ones are more expensive because of their
mechanical virtuosity rather than just their flashiness."
I agree on both your choices, and would add that neither one is much of a contest. Gillian comes across smart as hell and funny and classy and laid back and generally like she would be awesome to be around. I like Allison a lot too, but she seems like the sort of hypersexual "theater person" who it would be exhausting…
Just piling on to agree that this episode was glorious. Everyone was in top form, and there was great chemistry. I laughed out loud multiple times on the subway.
I had a lot of fun with fable, but that's only because I played 1) largely drunk 2) trading off gameplay with a group of people with wildly diverging attitudes about slaughtering townsfolk
Actually, I totally understand wanting to play the the same song for six hours.