
That's right. There are zombies and also giants in the world of the show. Also orcs.

Actually, being one of the few survivors of the human race, you would have a near-limitless supply of clothes for the looting, right? They could be wearing immaculate tuxedos all the time if they really wanted to.

The problem there is that it was those characters that made the movie entertaining - the universe of the movie is not particularly distinct. It's just a standard zombie apocalypse, fast zombie version.

Cake Boss?

If it makes you feel any better, I'm American and I also understand none of this.

art history texts

If you're using hand wipes instead of soap and water to wash your hands after pooping, I think perhaps it's your hands that are terrifying.

"Research shows that our listeners love mashups."

The Brick Testament has nice visuals for all the books of the Bible, including Revelations:

But the hallway in Seinfeld's building doesn't bend like that!

You know a lot of insufferable, ex-cokehead born again Christians?

Get with the zeitgeist, man.

What about the suffering of agave plants?

0.10 * 400,000 = 40,000

Indeed, that would be an example of a continuum fallacy.

*slide whistle*

That's amazing. It somehow feels very right that Cheetos are made in factories that spew Cheeto dust into the atmosphere with big cheesestacks, like a great industrial engine of obesity shaping America.

Late to the party on this, but I'd like to point out that Hard Time features prominently on the long list of "Technologies That Could Profoundly Affect Human Existence For The Better But Are Only Used For Some Specific, Mundane Purpose" in the Star Trek universe.

When the wife and I watched this back in *cough cough*, we had had heard that a major character was going to die but had somehow avoided further spoilers. So the whole episode was a lot of fun as we predicted increasingly ludicrous deaths in every scene, Final Destination style (train explosions, whirling carnival

Of course they want to hit them. Just do the math. 250 million cars in the U.S., and about 500 thousand buses - a 500 to 1 ratio. Yet as we've seen in movies, like 80% of pedestrians hit by vehicles are hit by buses.