
Once, while waiting on an interminable line (in the rain) to get into a museum in Prague, I noticed a couple of fellow tourists giggling as they tried to sneak/hurry past and cut the line. Many others noticed as well, and there was grumbling, but nobody really knew how to respond. Then, one bold fellow near the front 

One word: coffee. One problem: where do you get it?

Ugh, you are just the worst.

I thought we all agreed it was Gabe…

I can confirm this first hand, as someone who, for a few months, had a job which absolutely should not have existed. Nobody else seemed to realize this, but it was still very awkward. In my large amount of free time, I found a way to completely automate my job. I happened to mention this project upon completing it,

Will Ferrel and Kristen Wiig did a bit with the conceit that they obviously hadn't seen any of the movies in the category they were presenting. There was a long reaction shot of a deeply unamused Tommy Lee Jones.

Because Boston is terrible.

If I were going to heckle this article, I would have to point out that that is not what "correlation" means. A correlation would be if shows with hecklers were better on average than those without hecklers, which this article in fact argues is not the case.

So, like Cabin in the Woods.

It's more about the reactionary moralizing than about it being a Christian allegory. I think he makes some good points about it, even if I also think he's being overdramatic and would still give the books to my kids.

Pretty sure that's the joke.

Pretty sure that's the joke.

Yeah! It's not date rape, it's date rape play.

Yeah! It's not date rape, it's date rape play.

What the fuck is an ipad for if not reading in the bathroom and on public transportation?

What the fuck is an ipad for if not reading in the bathroom and on public transportation?

The trailer makers trail the makers in making the trailer make the makers make money.

The trailer makers trail the makers in making the trailer make the makers make money.

"sign that it was made in the early 2010s"

"sign that it was made in the early 2010s"