So, why did he want to become human so badly, again?
So, why did he want to become human so badly, again?
So, why did he want to become human so badly, again?
So NBC is run by Cardassians. It all starts to make sense.
So NBC is run by Cardassians. It all starts to make sense.
Mrs. Peel
Balloon! There we go. The Office is the Balloon Boy of sitcoms. Cynically kept aloft for financial reasons, but nobody is really on board, and it's ultimately not fooling anyone.
How could they not be the same person, being completely identical in every way? Even if you are "destroyed" and "recreated," or whatever, that happens to you anyway on a constant basis. The matter making up your body is literally not the same stuff that made up "your" body five years ago, and your consciousness has…
So a bigger tip is automatically more "fair" in all circumstances? Is a 300% tip fair? WHERE DOES IT STOP?
Aeschylus was, like, the ultimate rapper.
On anyone in a 50 yard radius.
Was "homecoming court" a thing in your high school? I mean, a thing that people were aware of and cared about? I thought that sort of thing was confined entirely to teen movies and so forth.
Really? I bet if you really took a full inventory of all your childhood humiliations, it would sound just as bad/cringingly hilarious. I'm sure mine would.
Until I went to college and interacted with people from all over, I thought "pop" was just what people called soda in the 1940s or something.
I am just a simple paperboy,
no romance do I seek…
I just wanted forty cents
for my deliveries last week.
Ha, Camelot was amazing. We really don't get enough period pieces set in that era of Britain when there were only a hundred people and they were all extremely attractive and overly emotive.
I hardly think peeing in a public place belongs on that list. Ever smelled New York in the summertime? Everybody does it.
Yeah, it seems like it's Jon, if anyone. We're just led to believe it's Dany at first.
And Jon, who is clearly actually the love child of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, will live, but only by incurring a nasty debt to Melisandre.
If you're younger than 70, I'm afraid you still don't really have any business having owned a fedora of any brim width.
That depends on how much you hate them. If you hate them "not at all, because that would be stupid," then yes, everyone hates them as much you do.