
Golden retrievers are not dumb at all. That's why they get used as seeing eye dogs, etc., (as well as because they're absurdly good-natured and loyal). And they don't particularly smell, I don't know where you're getting that at all. And really, I would call a golden retriever average size, not big. A big dog is a

At first, I thought I definitely wasn't going to watch the whole thing.

Those people were lying to you/idiots. Orange represents Ireland just like green does. Look at the flag - green, orange, and white: Catholic, Protestant, and the peace between them.


So, wait, you think Larry Sanders is more likeable than his public persona? Isn't that… but…

That's about $75/month, which might be reasonable depending on how it's calculated. Hoohah doctors aren't cheap (so I hear).

I think that's the point. It seem to indicate that what matters to them is whether it's voluntary for the woman (it's never voluntary for the fetus), thus implying that what it's all really about is punishing the woman (for "sluttiness" or something) by forcing her to create an unwanted person, which is incredibly

::pushes up glasses::

Quirk, we don't Gitmo white ladies, in any universe.

Because real life total douchebags are numerous and have disposable income.

I was trying to come up with a joke referencing how you apparently don't know what a 13 year old looks like, but they kept making me sound like a pedophile.

Because New York is where all the stuff is.

Isn't that what eventually became Monk?

A bit old at this point, isn't he?

He is still quite condescending in the books, though. I don't know if he was intended to be a dick, per se, but it's not a big stretch.

I thought the same thing, and am similarly disappointed. Calling him vegetable lasagna made perfect sense in a kind of comic dream logic and was therefore hilarious.

King of Queens is mediocre and formulaic, but it's not Two and Half Men.

Upstate New York?

Monica Lewinsky!

Trolling? Pranking? Virtual flash mobbing? I don't know what you call it, but in my mind the bare minimum definition for "hacking" has to at least include some actual programming.