
It amuses me that after all this time I still go back and forth on whether HipsterDBag is a gimmick commenter.

Per usual, Russia saves the day.

Quite a few of them are 15 years old. It's quite funny that the media (that's right AV Club, you're the media) refers to them as "hackers."

The Baywatch theme song had words?

Physical violence: the most obvious solution to someone not already being familiar with everything we like.

How does the porn industry even still exist? Didn't everyone stop paying for it like 15 years ago?

Greasers and socs, man.

…doesn't everyone?

It took me many years to realize it, but it turns out Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is actually the best one after all. It's not supposed to be a "weepy ballad."

But Patton Oswalt is in fact a fat comic book nerd on that very same show.

Why are we all assuming he didn't like Drive? It's on the "nice try" list. That phrase is usually sarcastic, true, but I doubt it is here. Perhaps it's a nice try because it tried something interesting and did it well but Tarantino personally didn't enjoy it very much.

I don't know about that. Drive is very, very different from a Tarantino movie, I think.

There's really only one actual street in Lake Placid that isn't just residential or a hiking path or something. But it is kind of mean, inasmuch as the antique stores are more expensive than you would expect.

Typecast as a boy wizard?

That's why I always hold two coffee mugs when I perform.

playing quadruplets!

I have little patience for either Christianity or football, and I thought this sketch was typically mediocre SNL.

No, that's when the humans could buzz in. Watson couldn't buzz in until he had fully settled on an answer, which actually put him at a disadvantage.

It signified nothing whatsoever, really? It's a computer that can answer general knowledge questions based on wordplay, and do it as well as a Jeopardy champion. That's an incredibly impressive accomplishment.

I understand what it means, I just don't understand why everyone seems to be saying it, starting very recently, when before they would say "producers" or "writers" or some other actual job.