
Tintin is full of hilariously racist caricatures, but it's all well-intentioned, paternalistic type racism. Tintin himself is usually befriending the natives, and the meanspirited racist characters are the villains. The only exception I can think of is with the Japanese, who apparently really are all just devious

Can we stop a minute and talk about the term "showrunner?" It seems like it's been ubiquitous on the AV Club for the past month or so, but I've never heard it before that. Was there some article I missed or something?

Arguably three? So, there were the 1940s Batman serials, and the 1966 Batman movie, but what third one were you thinking of? Do you mean the various animated movies?

It didn't seem at all obscure to me, but then, maybe professional censors just aren't terribly bright in general.

I thought it was a handjob joke.

But this is the AV Club, where "Myles McNutt" writes articles.

As are 99% of all atheists. The only real difference between an "atheist" and an "agnostic" is how confrontational about it they're willing to be. Hence, agnostics calling atheists arrogant and atheists calling agnostics pussies.

So are you surprised, or aren't you?

So what you're saying is, you're the guy who said seeing Lisa was hilarious.

Ooh! Let's have a big thread about whether something is racist!

You probably shouldn't stand in front of ak-47s and rocket launchers either, as long as we're going there.

What if his past lovers didn't have those exact 44 names and characteristics?

I'm not seeing what's so offensive about this trailer. I mean, I won't see it, but it's not like it's Jack and Jill or something. It must be exhausting to maintain your goodwill.


I was thinking that too. Ironic adoption of Walt's image with something that Walt himself would never, ever, ever wear. But then I thought, well, Jesse might.

Has Sunny ever not been about how horrible they are?

It wasn't just that she dated him, it was that he was the one to break up with her.

So, wait, in this scenario, Rachel from Friends is the "perfect girlfriend?"

You both have the queen on your money. I'm not seeing a problem.

So more of a Khloe Kardashian, then.