
But again, there's that magic horse, which means not only is there no physical barrier, but that at least some of the time nobody is paying attention.

Whales aren't fish. They're mammals, like you and me!

I agree with you that the characters are all pretty inconsistent, but I never really saw Shane as "calm and strategic guy." Pragmatic, yes, but also impulsive and emotional. When he's seen things more clearly than the others, it's been because he values other people less, not because he's especially rational or

The opposing side being the zombies? Do they "fight dirty?" Seems to me they're remarkably straightforward beings.

That's what I initially assumed, as well, but then they have a line about how the missing horse "showed up in her stall this morning," meaning apparently it's quite possible to just walk in.

I don't think either of you have any idea just how strong a statement "worst ever" is in this context.

I bet no one has ever made that connection before.

Trudy is Annie's grandmother.

At age 40, it's biologically possible that she's a GGILF.

But it's not actually possible to be completely inactive, which means it is impossible for your fate to actually occur. Which is… the opposite of the usual meaning of the word.

That's not always true. In Star Wars, the bad guys had upper-crust English accents, and the good guys had American accents.

As if a Scotland-based CGI movie could ever compete with Sir Billi.

Yes, because if there's one thing older people like and young people don't, it's anime.

Aw. It's a shame when the obligatory "this female interviewee is extremely unattractive" hyperbole comes before the "this female interviewee is extremely attractive" hyperbole in the comments.

I murdered my wife.

Are rupees mined?

It was Koski that didn't like Ghostbusters.

Preaching FROM the choir.

Limeade is a pretty underrated drink.

Out in down home Real America, they don't have properly fitting suits.