
What's really the worst is infinite recursion in griping.

It seems like a costumed "superhero" who just goes around just shooting guys might be a tricky blend of realism and fantasy to make work in other formats.

Maybe he can just want his kids back

Also, the Jews.

Maybe not that specifically, but we all know a zombie show set in the early 60s is coming.

Well, just about every character wants to go home, but it's only the ring that's actually attempting to go home (to Sauron's finger) the entire time - and in fact for thousands of years. Which must be frustrating, if all you can really do is slowly corrupt those around you and change size occasionally.

Or the One Ring.

Wow! You went to Harvard! Did you go to Harvard? That's so cool of you that you don't refer to it (Harvard) by name, but I can guess what you mean. Totally organic mention. Of the fact that you went to Harvard. Harvard!

You know what I like? Calzones.

I haven't heard anybody talking about his jacket, but, now that you mention it: what the fuck was up with that jacket?


The Wig Master is the episode where Jerry tries to return the suit "for spite," yes? Weird that isn't mentioned here, as it's probably the most Seinfeld moment of the episode.

That's right, Girard. He invented the stuff the things you used were based upon.

Getting run over by a train is an especially selfish way to kill yourself. You're forcing the driver to run you over (they'll almost certainly see you but not be able to stop in time), and he has to live with that. You're forcing some poor civil servants to clean up the mess you've become. You're making probably

And Night Court!

I've had that speech given TO me so many times. Sooo tiresome.

Honestly, the season 5 finale would be a pretty awesome way to end the show.

What would losing a war to Canada solve?

Plenty of commonly used superlatives for "very good" or "very much" technically have totally different meanings. Terrific means terrifying (as does terrible). Awesome means awe-inspiring (as does awful). Fantastic and fabulous both mean not real. Etc.

Cool story, bro.