
It was great with the Rifftrax.

One potential issue with the melee approach is splatter, which could be a big problem depending on how zombieism is spread.

My lady had never seen a zombie film when she saw this movie, and still thought it was great. I really don't think this is that much of a "guy movie."

I also think Patton Oswalt is funny, but yes, he panders like crazy, and yes, applause (as opposed to laughter) is definitely an indication of that.

It wasn't the "no better" that I was questioning, it was the implication that they're bad for selling something that people want. Have you ever had a beer? Was it against your will?

No better? So they're all bad guys, in your opinion? I can't tell how serious you're being.

Calling that hyperbole would the biggest overstatement of all time.

He's not dosing people against their will, itsakillerpanda. Do you think beer brewers deserve to die, too? Certainly alcoholism ruins a lot of lives.

A google image search for "nerd dork geek" will show the various schools of thought illustrated in helpful graphs and diagrams.

The actual line is "it's a perfectly sane food to eat," which I've found is a pretty versatile line.

Personally, I don't buy the "Walt started out as a good guy just trying to provide for his family" thing. That might be what he was telling himself at the time, but it's bullshit. If that were the case, he would have just accepted charity from his old partner, instead of a life of crime that puts that family in

But then the third generation would be entirely half-sibling incest babies.

Everyone is 350 pages into Infinite Jest.

Chimps are definitely apes. And so are humans.

Remember Congo?

Yeah! And REAL comedians don't need to curse, either, right?

So how did even the large, aggressive, unnaturally intelligent sharks end up posing a persistent threat to land-dwelling, air-breathing humans? Can't they just not lean over the open tank?

No, you're ALL wrong!

"On vacation in Italy" is the AV Club's version of the big farm upstate where old dogs go to run free and play with each other all day.

People think The Rock is a legitimately good movie? I mean, I love it, but I love it the same way I love Top Gun.