
I'm guessing they're the henchman to some kind of weightlifting themed villain.

I'm so tired of all these star wars.

"I can't think of a TV series that's booted a character this big in the first season."

It's true, though. "Realistically," almost all iterations of zombies would be a pretty manageable problem. That's why:

This seems like a good use of Kevin Smith.
May it keep him busy for years to come.

They won't just end it. They will continue making episodes until it becomes unprofitable, exactly as they promised.

No, all women with red hair are interchangeable.

Lobsters would never hate on a documentary for being about a "liberal" or an actor for being gay. He would find totally plausible other reasons to hate on them, or, barring that, the people that like them.

God kept rapturing the pens off my desk until I tied a string around one.

Seriously, no more male characters with offspring. Let the eunuchs, priests, and confirmed bachelors have their day.

I never took my girlfriend to the prom. Neither one of us ever even brought up the possibility. No regrets. Eight years later we're getting married.

Another for pandorum sucking. It sucked. And I love cerebral sci fi, slowly going insane in space type stuff. The problem was they tried to take that genre and add in hyper stylized, x-treme fight scenes and shoehorned love interest for mass appeal, and in the process alienated the very nerds who are the only ones who

"Offensively?" It's offensive to say that it's more impressive for a child to give a good performance? Is it offensive to say that adults are smarter than children?

Did you not install the Find My iPhone ap?

Do you guys think Michael Cera hates Jesse Eisenberg?

Yet another vote for Love and Death. I love that movie so much.

The quote is, "This one time, at band camp, I stuck a flute in my pussy."

Yes, they so will. Having to plan your eight hours weeks in advance kind of lowers the impact.

Haha, the troll caught a "Marxian conflict theorist." Or maybe that's also a troll. I don't know what's happening, but I think I like it.

I have a girlfriend, but she knows even less about comic books than I do. What now?