

Jon Hamm!
I know, "I'm too old, bla bla." Ok, so he's 40. Does superman never reach the age of 40? Is the character immortal? Or is he just always young in the sliding timeline, like Bart Simpson? Or is it only a problem because the thought of not doing yet another origin story is fucking inconceivable?

Kenneth's glove interruptions were the only part of the episode that made me laugh. Maybe I'm just not familiar enough with reality shows.

As I said above, the most sensible choice would be Canada, but the most hilarious choice would be Israel.

It seems like Canada is the obvious choice, honestly. The premise is silly enough that it doesn't really matter, and using Canadians as the invaders would show that they understand that. Plus, they're pretty much the least offendable country.

The only thing intolerable about a one armed person launching Carrie Underwood's acting career is the fact that she feels her one arm is only good for launching Carrie Underwood's acting career.

Many common slang terms for penis are also approximate synonyms when referring to persons. Cock, prick, dick, etc. We have curious relationships with our schlongs.

Maybe I'm just being small minded, but I think Helen Keller would have a problem hitting anyone.

Hey, remember Pathetic Geek Stories? I don't have a joke, but they were on the AV Club a long time ago, right?

So the only choices are total anarchy or oppressive moralistic nanny state? Well, fuck.

I expect that as long as you've got an illicit distribution ring, you may as well use it to distribute whatever there is a demand for and a decent profit margin. If baby tylenol were illegal, they'd probably distribute that too, and people would be getting murdered over baby tylenol.

Seems like it would have made more sense
to have an inventory of romantic comedy characters who DO deserve love. I mean, aren't most characters in these things kind of horrible in one way or another? Or at least the object of totally unearned affection, so as to more easily play audience surrogate?

I knew of this movie, but had assumed I had wrong or was missing some crucial part of the premise, like there was a genie involved or something. Apparently not.

The question is how can a movie be good if the main character has major flaws?

Are you sure you're not thinking of… :::goes to Wikipedia list of people with surname Lynch::: Chilean Rear-Admiral Patricio Lynch?

I think if you watch Mulholland Drive, Angry Cat, you won't be so quick to give the edge to Mulholland Falls on that basis. Masturbation-wise, I mean.

It's clear that any facts that make Palin look bad are inventions of the Jew media. WE ALL KNOW THAT, amirite?

Folksiness injections.

Not to mention one of the top two best actresses to play FBI agent Clarice Starling.

Better than BNL, even.