No need to speculate and argue when a Frank Zappa based wiki exists:
No need to speculate and argue when a Frank Zappa based wiki exists:
Using a series of colons lends a certain cascading inevitability to the sentence: something, something, free will joke.
So, Avatar, I guess? Are we sure it wasn't written by a computer?
And that's why lifetime passes should be harder to earn than being in Galaxy Quest.
Piling on the Walk Hard Is Hilarious train. You are opinion is wrong. If you don't like that movie, you are bad at liking things.
Guy Fieri?
I don't know why anyone would think James Franco would be a good host, honestly. He seemed confused about why he was there, himself.
As a slacker,
I think I could do a better job defending us, if I were so inclined.
The actors will have aged noticeably by this point. It's probably too late to reunite the original cast and not have it be awkward and forced feeling. This leaves two options:
I'd just like to point out to everyone that this episode aired apparently three years before YO MOMA was born.
basic probability fail
The science on this show is generally bad enough to cause me physical pain, but I actually just had to actually stop watching after seeing Walter flip the coin.
Everything is set in New York. There would be nothing but fucking statues everywhere if we started doing that.
No, being able to write songs is not pretentious. Being pretentious is pretentious. Also, Lady Gaga knows her lyrics are inane (she called herself LADY GAGA), which gives her an advantage over AF.
From a technical standpoint Lady Gaga's songs are clearly superior to standard commercial pop like Katy Perry or whatever. And I'm also on board with finding her antics hilarious. Yeah they're forced - that's the point. It's satire. She knows exactly what she is and what she's doing, and is therefore actually a lot…
I broke the dam.
Is she romantically desperate? Hasn't she attracted many high profile mates, if the checkout line magazines are to be believed? Is getting divorced, and then dating a few different people, really that extraordinary? I thought the reason she's in the tabloids all the time is not because her life is interesting, but…
"Anna Faris just needs to find the right project."
I noticed that nobody started this thread yet.
Also, the Beatles would absolutely have broken up.
Emperor Jim, I don't think either of those things are ridiculous. Have you apologized/been apologized too for all the childish crap you did or had done to you in grade school? Because I sure as hell haven't.