
My guess is they couldn't figure out a way to make sympathetic reality show contestants.

Such toilets would be both fairly common and "old-fashioned" in 1946. Crisis averted.

My favorite films are Citizen Kane and The Boondock Saints.

I also cannot think of anything I've seen her in where she gave a great performance. I haven't seen Black Swan yet. I have, however, seen the Star Wars prequels.

80% of all Frasier plots involved trying to impress someone to get into something exclusive, and failing due to an escalating series of misunderstandings and/or lies.

When it's cold out I wear a bomber hat, and my head is warm. I'm glad they're semi in fashion now, so I don't get stared at. I wish wide brimmed straw hats were similarly in fashion in summer, but alas.

I liked and still like Knocked Up.

I think Phil knows that Claire is the kind of person who doesn't just want the problem to go away, but wants to confront the offender as well. Given how clear that woman made it that she was willing to fire Phil, trying to avoid the possibility of confrontation makes perfect sense.

It might be fun to leave that note in random places.

The Discovery Channel
still has some shows on it that aren't completely stupid (and some that are). The History Channel and TLC have been complete jokes for years now.

The unfunniest character on 30 Rock is season 5-6 Kenneth.

I think it's a pretty impressive attempt considering they still use a series of tubes.

She's also the grating voice of those artificial sweetener commercials, right?

Honkers. Coconuts. Gazongas.

Yeah, I never understood that aspect of legal theory. Attempted murder

Of all the movie casts that you could sentence to prison, you guys are honestly going with 40 Year Old Virgin? These are people you used to like before they were overexposed, remember?

James Dean is intellectual?

Like, they seem like parodies of bad writing.

He's a good actor, but his short stories are fucking awful. I'm sorry, but they are.

Yup. The Bubble is all too real. (Or so I've noticed, peering out from under a bridge with the rest of the troglodytes.)