
That's what the kleenex on my night stand is for.

I was just reminiscing about American Gladiators two nights ago.

It's been a long time since I've been really impressed by a Pixar film. I'm seeing this on Saturday with a friend of mine, and I'm SUPER stoked about it now, given the praise it's getting.

Mad Max on Friday, Ultron on Saturday. Enjoyed both for what they were - popcorn flicks. I was hoping for a bit more substance from Mad Max given the praise it's gotten, to be honest. I was thinking, "Is this just cool chase scenes?" But sometimes all you need is cool chase scenes. Also, I desperately want to dress up

I was hoping that the title "Fuller House" implied that the new show was going to be produced by Bryan Fuller. :(

As much of a shitshow as TLW was, I do have to commend it for getting me interested in TV criticism and women's issues when I began university. Reading recaps and discussions of the show on various websites really opened my eyes to how the media treats people of colour and members of the LGBT community. So I gotta

Thanks to Shane, I was inspired to experiment with some really regrettable hairstyles back in university. And yet for the life of me, I couldn't figure out why men were so surprised when they found out that I was straight.

Eh, I'd be reluctant to call "Scott Pilgrim" a "teen movie".

There was also ABC Family's "The Nine Lives of Chloe King" from a few years back, which featured a romance between the titular character's two best friends, a caucasian girl and a Korean boy.

I'm so sick of these "female versions" of existing narratives. This trend is so patronizing. Are we women so hard to identify with that we need our own versions of movies, now? The solution to the problem of mainstream media's lack of female protagonists in stories isn't to make a "girl version" of a dude-centred

Is Mr. Ratburn coming out of the closet?! I called that shit back in 5th grade!

I'm kind of kicking myself for not pursuing something back then. Dude's RIPPED, now. But also a huge mama's boy. Also possibly gay?

I'm your passenger for life, then!

Damn, I WISH. I'd have been all over him.

I stopped watching "Arthur" in elementary school when a boy in my class who greatly resembled the titular character developed a crush on me.

I found Brave to be only okay. It felt like an early 2000s entry from Disney to me. In comparison to other Pixar films, it was pretty dull, story-wise. It lacked that signature weirdness that the studio is renowned for. Wreck-It Ralph felt way more like a Pixar film to me.

I remember commenting on AVC a while back that I'd have preferred to see Scott played by Adam Brody.

"Babar" was my breakfast, lunch, and dinner as a kid. I rewatched the movie that was released by Nelvana back in the day after not having seen it in about 20 years, and HOLY SHIT I didn't realize how dark it was. The scene where the rhinos attack Celeste's village and kidnap all of the mother elephants to enslave them

Apparently there's some backwater fuckery going on in Franklin, according to the Franklin Wiki. It claims a lot of Franklin's friends are children of incest.

Though I was already well into high school when it premiered, I accidentally came upon "Between the Lions" on PBS one day and fell in love with it.